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This Video Gives Us Feelings

We've been cooking up something big with the Sandwich team. This video captures everything we love about Peggy: How buying art can transform your life. From the profound emotion art evokes to the exciting journey investing in art entails.

Curious about Peggy? Have a friend you want to introduce the app to? Want to see the power of living with art firsthand? Our explainer video does all this and more.  

Peggy is making it easier than ever to collect and live with art. "This art is now part of my life. It's adding colour. Texture. Meaning. Giving me good feelings every day." This line perfectly captures why our mission is a world with art in every home. We want everyone to feel the exciting transformative power of art.

Art gives me feelings—and so does this video. Watch now to unlock a world of art possibilities.

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Collecting made easy, on Peggy

Download Peggy on iOS or Android.