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Masterpieces in Unexpected Places

The art of the find!

In art, beauty is often found in the most unexpected places. Many lucky individuals have stumbled upon masterpieces discarded as trash or nestled within the shelves of thrift stores. These stories resonate not only as testimonies to the nature of luck, but also as reminders that the value of art can often be subjective. One person's trash is another person's treasure—literally. Below are examples of people discovering famous and sought-after artworks in unassuming locations.


While these stories are fun to swap at a dinner party, and daydream about finding a million-dollar painting at the thrift store, the truth is, collecting emerging art is similar. You can have the same thrill of finding the next Warhol, at an accessible price point, by collecting emerging artists.

  • The Million-Dollar Jackson Pollock: In 2015, a retired truck driver named Teri Horton purchased a painting from a thrift store for $5. Unbeknownst to her, the artwork was a Jackson Pollock worth around 50 million dollars. Despite the skepticism surrounding its authenticity, the story of her thrift store find captured the art world's attention. Horton, and her remarkable find, were the subject of the documentary titled, "#$&% Is Jackson Pollock."
  • The Lost Caravaggio: In 2014, a French family inherited a dilapidated house in Toulouse. While cleaning out the attic, they stumbled upon a painting that turned out to be an authentic Caravaggio masterpiece titled "Judith and Holofernes." Estimated to be worth around $135 million, the painting was long thought to be lost. Its discovery added to Caravaggio's legacy and highlighted the potential for priceless artworks to lie forgotten in unexpected corners.
  • A Hidden Van Gogh: A Norwegian man purchased a painting at a thrift store for $5, believing it to be a reproduction. After some time, he noticed a signature that resembled Vincent van Gogh's. Experts confirmed the painting's authenticity, and it was later identified as "Sunset at Montmajour," a lost artwork that had been documented but never found. The painting was valued at over $50 million.
  • Warhol's Sketches: In 2010, a young man in Las Vegas discovered a stack of sketches while rummaging through an abandoned storage unit he had purchased at an auction for just $15. The sketches were original works by Andy Warhol, offering a glimpse into the legendary artist's creative process. 

The art world is full of surprises, from overlooked masterpieces hanging in thrift stores to lost paintings lying dormant in attics. Let these anecdotes inspire you to seek art where you least expect it! Remember: the next Andy Warhol could be your local art student, so follow your gut and buy art you love. They might turn out to be the next art star of their generation. 

Incredible finds!  While the excitement is real, are the pieces?  If Peggy’s Digital Fingerprint were around when Caravaggio was alive, we would be able to know for sure.  So, too, would we be able to see the storied provenance journey of all the collectors who lived with each piece over the ages. In other words, no more missing masterpieces.

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